09 October 2021

Piss-taking Revenue Collection - "People's Priorities"

It seems to be a relatively widespread practice among public authorities across Britain to provide limited or no public convenience facilities.

If citizens then relieve themselves of necessity they may face a £100 fine. If they do not pay the fine, they may face a hearing at the local Magistrates' Court. While they may have a defence of necessity, they nevertheless risk having to pay the £100 fine and get a criminal record, if the court decides that the Defendant is taking the piss!

If they do pay the fine, they can be confident that the money will not go towards providing increased facilities but rather go if not straight into the politicians' pockets then through some outsourcing company the politicians are associated with but no offense is considered to have occurred here, no prospects of court or fine, quite the contrary, handsome rewards for daylight theft. The politicians, government and the civil service and sometimes even the courts certainly take the piss!

Meanwhile if a common little but fat chavette leaving Royal Ascot releases her own recently extensively stocked up little Queen Mother Reservoir on the High Street, damn dame dam, after failing to utilise the facilities at the race course before pissing off, she seems less likely to be fined than a vulnerable asylum seeker suffering from mental health conditions in Kent.

But if a scammer manages to fool someone to lose a few hundred pounds, the authorities are sure not to be sufficiently interested to do anything about pursuing the crooks but dare a vulnerable person urinate in public they are sure to be fined.

So there we have it, as the Conservative Party, the UK piss party, says, "the People's priorities". Tant pis!

The World-Beating Justice of the Dominatrix

The Son of the Sheik (1926, SOS, above)  is not of course to be confused with the  GDF SOBs of A...s with too much power and money. Appare...