Showing posts with label black humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black humour. Show all posts

16 October 2021

Brexit Property Bargains

Somewhat curiously maybe some of the best property prices seem to be in Brexit f*rtlands. Maybe that is because hardly anyone in their right mind would live in such a deprived dump, hostile native territory or natural hostile environment lacking however in biodiversity due to impoverishment of local species. Many fine grand old properties are affordable there at a relatively small price. Through the local bigots' neglect and ignorance and stupidity, the grandeur of the once great Empire is crumbling and disappearing.

The very best property bargain in such an area would seem to be the disused church. With such record numbers of locals seemingly forsaking faith in Christian compassion for worshipping the bigot's witchcraft, it is hardly surprising that churches are closing. Apart from acquiring space, grandeur and architectural character for a small price (although maintenance and repairs may cost more), one is to be virtually guaranteed the most welcoming of the locals as one's closest neighbours in the graveyard surrounding the church. 

The World-Beating Justice of the Dominatrix

The Son of the Sheik (1926, SOS, above)  is not of course to be confused with the  GDF SOBs of A...s with too much power and money. Appare...