13 November 2024

Ax Traditions


When the elections are a circus and the clown wins, despite all the very serious concerns that arise, there is at least some extraordinarily funny news - not least seeing the prospective defence secretary trying to throw an ax but missing the target and hitting a military drummer who is lucky not to be injured by this hatchet job! 

How very fitting! Fasces, a bundle of rods tied around an axe, was an ancient Roman symbol of the authority of the civic magistrate. The Italian fascists took their name and symbol from this. The tradition seems to continue in one way or another!

Put[a]in and chums can sit back and feel secure with this gang left with responsibility for defence and security!

Watch for yourself: 

"Fox News host throws ax, hits drummer"


Washington like many western cities has Roman inspirations with its Capitol and like. However one Roman inspiration has taken this long to fulfil - the great clowns performing at the Circus Maximus!

The World-Beating Justice of the Dominatrix

The Son of the Sheik (1926, SOS, above)  is not of course to be confused with the  GDF SOBs of A...s with too much power and money. Appare...