14 January 2021

Rattus Politicus

A certain palace in Westminster, occupied by the originally maybe oldest and most famous of London's gentlemen's clubs, the Liars Club, has been infested by rats apparently, that is, not merely the usual rats as in the species of homo politicus, fat rats, Ratweilers, by which no offense is meant to the real rats (rattus) neither Rottweilers but a superior and more rightful occupants, representatives of a restoration of some decent wildlife in this otherwise naturally and morally dead place. 

It would be better to call pest control to deal with the homo politicus, skin the rats, than the rattus who do far less damage to the world than the homo politicus, not to mention Incitatus, the Imperial Roman horse said to have been appointed a consul.

Hardly surprising, considering how one can smell a rat so often among the poodles of the executive, empty word brain politicians who do not think outside the ballot box with rhetoric to match, piss and tell - tant pis. With such legislators, no wonder 'the law is a ass'.

In English constitutional theory (if any) the sovereignty of Parliament means among other things that legislation enacted by it is the highest (or only)  form of law (if any) in England with no written constitution (if any). The example given is that if an Act of Parliament legislates that Paris is in Middlesex then that is the case as a matter in law if not in fact. English law really is an ass. Maybe not so surprising then that sovereignty figured so prominently in Brexit inspirations, the sovereignty of profit, theft and dishonesty, knowingly misleading the electorate.

The Duke of Edinburgh joked that according to the Constitution he did not exist. But did the Constitution exist?

Another Philip, Philippe Pozzo di Borgo engaged a serial criminal as his attendant because he knew this would be someone he could trust to be frank enough with no hesitation to tell the truth. Compare that to politicians... Indeed it would be a more transparent government to have convicted criminals governing us rather than the ones still lacking (criminal) convictions despite deserving long sentences more than most convicted criminals, rather after than before being clients of fat cat QCs, the rich fatso catsos fat rats of politicians.

Politicians and rats do have something in common - they are creatures of the night, of darkness, and the underworld. But the part of the trottoir used by real rats, the rattoir, is on the sidewalk, whereas the rattus politicus shows itself off as much as possible on the rat walk.

In court witnesses are expected to say the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Politicians clearly say lies, whole lies and nothing but lies.

Democracy has become a facilitator for racism and profiteers. The holy unquestionable democracy sanctifies racism, hatred and mass murder of migrants and others.

Voters have as much choice as the standard offered by various big companies with no material difference from one to another, somewhat like the lucky husband who has the choice of either saying straight away yes to his wife or arguing for hours and then saying yes to his wife.

Populist politicians are like some little man from a dodgy garage (emphasis on the last f-word but no offence meant to real garages) who promise to fix your car but steal all the functioning parts to leave you to have to come back to them at the interval of elections to pay them more to fix what they damaged in the first place without fixing your car in the first place but just damaging it more so they can get more money off you. This is especially the case if you have a fine car like a Mercedes or if you are a voter in a democracy. 

The World-Beating Justice of the Dominatrix

The Son of the Sheik (1926, SOS, above)  is not of course to be confused with the  GDF SOBs of A...s with too much power and money. Appare...